(512) 346-0455


ASP leads to successful action and results.

This phase involves the refinement and presentation of the ASP. Once your strategic plan is approved, swift implementation is critical. During Phase III, we are available to support your course of action on a variety of leadership levels as you deem necessary.

Strategic Planning

Phase III: ASP Implementation

Upon completion of the Applied Strategic Plan, we can assist with the presentation of your plan to the rest of your organization as well as the ratification and actualization. In this phase, we are available to help you with monitoring, refinement of your Balanced Score Card, and drafting a new Strategic Architecture that may be needed to best actualize the plan.


  • Alignment of your people with each other and the Applied Strategic Plan.
  • Greater fulfillment of the people doing the work.
  • A clear, consensus vison of the best we can be and an action plan to get there.
  • Elevated perceived value for your services or products among your target market.
  • Clarity of what, who, resources needed, how, and when of specific actions.
  • Development of your WHY and a Tagline that is powerful, original, unique, accurately and clearly expresses the benefits of doing business with you that powerfully appeals to your target customers.
  • Organization-wide acceptance, ownership and support of your new plan.
  • Support in monitoring and actualizing the powerful plan you have ceated.

Who Should Participate:

All those who can make the plan happen or keep it from happening.

What Participants are Saying

“Bob is one of the finest human beings on this planet. Through his vast knowledge and compelling coaching style, Bob helped me build the practice of my dreams. His stategies for visualizing your success and setting a course for reaching your goals are sound and proven. Far more important, however, is who Bob is rather than what he knows. He leads by example, always taking the high road, yet never leaving one with a sense of arrogance or impatience. His courage is palpable and his cup is always completely full. Anyone who aspires to high achievement will do well to fly with this eagle.”

Dr. Phil Potter, Wiederman-Potter
Irvine, CA

What Participants are Saying

I would like to tell you how much we enjoyed your workshop and our entire Texas experience! Teresa and I have already been implementing the three-appointment approach. We are all extremely excited and pleased with the responses we are getting - we feel invigorated and liberated somehow! I believe that I may have found the most inspirational information from your teachings in my six and a half years of dentistry! Dentistry doesn't seem so stressful when you're not putting pressure on people you don't know! Thanks for the experience!

Dr. Sue Marinovich,
Frankford, Ontario, Canada

What Participants are Saying

That was some of the best fly fishing I've ever experienced outside the Arctic! The fellowship and the discussions in the Think Tank are fun and stimulating as well.

Bud Ham
Denver, CO

What Participants are Saying

Dr. Bob's Applied Strategic Planning Series has changed the way I live my life on a daily basis. ASP helped me to learn how to think for the future, realizing that even small daily decisions are either contributing to or taking away from my vision of the best possible life for myself. It also helped me to actually create the vision for that "best possible life" for myself - something I had not put much thought into!! It is a continual process and a revolutionary way to think and plan for a wonderful life, whatever that may be for you. I highly recommend this course if you are interested in learning how to create the life you wish to experience.

Dr. Bethany Piziks, DDS
Cadillac, MI

What Participants are Saying

Janet, Laura and I had a ball! That will be a family vacation we will remember fondly. What great beauty and adventure. We look forward to joining you again!

Dr. Tom McDougal, DDS & Family
Dallas, TX

What Participants are Saying

Since the New Patient Experience Practicum, I'm amazed at the difference in people's attitudes when I really listen to them. Treatment acceptance has risen dramatically. Although it takes a little more time at the outset, the extra time is worth the lower levels of stress when presenting treatment that I already know the patient wants. I actually look forward to going to work now! I have never in my dental career had anyone say, "I don't care how much this costs, I WANT THIS and I'll find the money for it." I had two patients say that to me in one week after implementing your process. What an amazing result, thank you!

Dr. Bethany Piziks, DDS
Cadillac, MI

What Participants are Saying

Applied Strategic Planning was one of five or six life-changing experiences that have had a totally positive effect on my life personally and professionally.

Dr. Andy Pickens, General and Restorative Dentist
Billings, MT

What Participants are Saying

I've taken many of the most famous courses/series, but your Applied Strategic Planning Series is the first time in 17 years of practice that all my team is enthusiastically paddling in the same direction. Together with your New Patient Experience Practicum, our acceptance of complete quality treatment is up more than 50%. We've never been more fulfilled and profitable!

Dr. Gabe Don Sing, General DDS
El Paso, TX