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Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI): The Most Trusted Learning Tool for Becoming a Better Leader

What do you call something that has endured through nearly 30 years of practice and the scrutiny of research? "The Truth!" - Ken Blanchard

From academia to government, healthcare to technology, financial services to nonprofit, The Leadership Challenge has stood the test of time as the world's most trusted source for becoming a better leader.

  • Four decades of validated research
  • Hundreds of personal interviews
  • Analysis of thousands of case studies and data from over 4 million leaders

Approaching leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors, The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model—Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart—serves as the foundation for a comprehensive suite of training programs, assessment tools, and learning resources.

This fourth edition of the LPI allows people to rate themselves on 30 leadership behaviors shown through multiple PhD theses to represent the Five Practices of Exemplary Leaders. Your team members also each independently rate you on these 30 behaviors. The results are summarized in a report which is provided with a comprehensive Participant Workbook and Planner. In addition, Dr. Bob Frazer includes up to three, one-hour phone consultations to help leaders understand how they can grow those practices which will help them become exceptional leaders.

Regardless of industry or geography, or possible individual differences of age, education, ethnicity, and gender, The Five Practices model continues to prove its effectiveness in cultivating and liberating the leadership potential in anyone, at any level in any organization, who chooses to accept the challenge to lead.

Find out how The Leadership Challenge and the powerful Five Practices can help develop the full potential of aspiring leaders in your industry.

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